In Memory

Theresa Rose (Terry) Tacey

Terry passed away on November 16, 2003, she is missed by all her family and friends.

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03/07/14 08:22 AM #1    

Terry Lee Maple

The Tacey's lived just a few doors from our two bedroom house on Carla Avenue. I knew Terry very well (she was known as Theresa in those days). Our mothers and fathers spent a lot of time together. Her father Rod was an expert mechanic who fixed everybody's car when repairs were needed. My '55 Chevy was always in his yard when it broke down. He was a great guy, one of many working men who were superior role models for the little boys and girls  in our neighborhood. In adulthood, Terry became known for her acting in local theatrical productions. She was an outstanding character actress. I once attended one of her plays in Coronado and then stuck around for the cast party. She was very popular among her peers. I understand she moved into the family home and stayed there until she died. I have so many fond memories of our early lives as kids growing up on that street; the family parties, especially the Mexican fiesta meals hosted by the Acostas; roller skating and flexy riding on the sidewalks of Big Carla; my older brother Brian's puppet shows in our garage, and walking to my neighborhood school just round the corner from our little house. Those were truly the good old days. Rest in Peace, my dear friend.

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