In Memory

Terry Lee Maple

Terry Lee Maple

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12/20/23 01:31 PM #1    

Corinne McCall

God bless you Terry.  You made us proud with all of your accomplishments. We all loved and appreciated you!  My sincere condolences to your lovely wife and family.

Corinne McCall


12/20/23 01:46 PM #2    

Corinne McCall


12/21/23 02:08 PM #3    

Philip George (Phil) Swanson (Swanson)

Why didn't we do this for all the others who have passed.  He was no better. 

12/21/23 02:46 PM #4    

Jim Hawes


If you select the "In Memory" link in the left column it will open to a list of all of our classmates who we know have passed. I have posted comments to many of my friends pages to share memories of their friendship. as have many others. I don't think anyone is suggesting that Terry was better than anyone else. He was, of course, well known in school and active on this site. I probably shared more converstaions with him on this site then in the years at HHS. 


Jim Hawes

12/22/23 06:14 PM #5    

Treasa Struble (Skiles)

Rest in Peace, Terry. What  wonderful careers you had as Atlanta Zoo Director and professor at Georgia Tech. Your talents, which you honed while attending Hilltop Elementary, Hilltop Junior High, and Hilltop High School,  will be missed. My condolences to your lovely bride and family. You checked all the boxes for decent human being. 

12/24/23 08:43 PM #6    

Philip George (Phil) Swanson (Swanson)

It's not quite the same. I never got an E mail when anyone else had passed.  I am sorry Terry Maple died but I would like to see E mails sent to all when ANYBODY passes.  They all deserve it.  I didn't know Terry personally but I did know many of the others,   

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