In Memory

Jo Ann Ledford (Ketner)

JoAnn passed away after a vehicle accident on March 12, 1966.  

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08/13/14 09:37 AM #1    

Bruce Wilson

I'm surprised no one has made any comments here. I didn't know Jo Ann well, probably only spoke to her a few times. Certainly though I cast my gaze in her direction a lot more than that. Through my older brother, I came to know her brothers Don and then Ricky.

As far as I know the entire family has passed on now. That strikes home with me, since 5 out of our original 6 in my family have shucked off their mortal coils.

Death don't have no mercy in this land.



08/14/14 08:15 PM #2    

Michele Lynette Adney (Aldrich)

Although I wasn't close to JoAnn, I always admired her beauty & poise.  I know I was shocked when I heard she had been killed in a car accident.  I had the opportunity to chat with her mom and the circumstances surrounding the accident made it even sadder.  I believe she left behind one or two little ones.  I'm not sure where any of them are now. 

You are certainly right, Bruce ..... death is no respecter of persons.  I know this well having had to face the death of my own husband.  Life can be difficult.


08/15/14 08:22 AM #3    

Alexandra (Sandy) Smolanovich (Glasgow)

Actually, I did include Joann in a previous comment.  She lived across L St from Helix Ave where I grew up.  I walked with her and crazy Ricky to our classes at Hazel Goes Cook.  She was so friendly to me when I first moved to C.V. in 6th grade.  She very obviously became a beautiful young woman and we remained friends throughout high school.  Her tales of going to Tijuana on weekends to get her hair done in her famous "up-do" were always funny and so exciting!  I, like other's was deeply saddened when that Saturday morning listening to the radio hearing that she had died in an awful car wreck.  I still think about her and wish she could join us in September.  RIP Joann!

08/15/14 11:43 AM #4    

Sally Lou Wilson (Biggin)

I enjoyed Jo Anne's friendship and helping her through geometry.  She encouraged me to become a Desirae sister.  I was always sorry to hear of her early death.

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