In Memory

Frank Xavier Fernandez, Jr.

Bruce Wilson, who has been keeping track of Frank and seeing to his welfare, informed us that Frank just passed away in the hospital. I have so many good memories of Frank as my high school boyfriend.  He would pick me up for school everyday in his '57 Chevy, and he tried to behave himself around me at all times.  I heard he drank and smoked, but I never saw it.  We were able to have a long conversation at the 50th reunion, and he told me that because I had to be in so early, and he, on the other hand, had no curfew, he would drop me off, drive to the bottom of our hill, light up a cigarette, and then pick up Jim Stucky to go drinking all night in TJ.  I had heard those stories, but I never believed them. He was such a talented athlete and could have excelled in any sport he set his mind to.  I know that he was a very good golfer in his adulthood. I will never forget Frank -- he was a big part of my amazing high school experience.  RIP Skeetz.

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10/15/15 01:00 PM #7    

Bruce Wilson

Frank was indeed a very likeable guy (Rosie, Janice, Corinne (who obviously had good taste in boys in Sixth grade).

I don't recall riding with him that much in a car, but I do remember once when we "borrowed" his dad's car (without permission) and had to recruit an older guy Billy Harris to drive since we didn't know how. We had a very enjoyable trip out to the roller coaster at Mission Beach. 

Jim Frese and Frank were very tight for a while.

I never saw Frank, or for that matter Jim, with a surfboard.

It was a teenage wedding, and the old folks wished them well
You could see that Pierre did truly love the mademoiselle
And now the young monsieur and madame have rung the chapel bell,
"C'est la vie", say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell

Jim hasn't checked in yet, but Michele commented on the "sparkle" in Frank's eyes in the second photo (from 2011).

It definitely wasn't there that first day at the hospital.



10/22/15 04:02 PM #8    

Madeline Bazzel (Hooper)

I am so sorry to hear about Frank.  I've been on the road and just heard.  Frank was always a nice guy around me and spent a good deal of time across the street from me at Jimmy Eschbachs.  Rest in Peace and Love Frank.

02/27/16 11:34 PM #9    

Rosalee May (Rosie) O'Day (Mason)

I am posting this for Mike Anderson who was the quarterback at CVHS and played opposite of Frank.

Do you think that I know what I'm doing?

That for one breath or half breath I belong to myself As much as a pen knows what it is writing, Or the ball can guess where it's going next.



Dear Frank,

I came to Chula Vista after living my first twelve years in the Midwest.

You were already a star, nearly a legend.  You could do all the things In sports I wanted to do and had the admiration of your friends and peers.  Plus a great name...Frank Fernandez comes off the tongue easily, as a fastball from your fingers.

It's odd we never spoke while in high school, even though we double dated once.  You could have cut the air with a knife.  I'm not a fan of the way kids are forced to be "rivals".  But I was a great fan of yours then and remain so now.  We played together at the Breitbard City/County football game and competed for playing time at Southwestern.  You were a great athlete and we were simpatico in that we both lived for the game.  I lost touch with you after that till our mid twenties when I took up golf and found you again, a slighter legend than before, but still the consummate athlete. 

I greatly enjoyed a beer with you after golf and our many conversations.  I was always impressed by your genteel manner, soft and thoughtful tone.  You taught me a lot about the game of golf and I appreciated that...I still owe you a thanks.  Thank You.

I'm sorry about the unhappiness in your life.  I knew there was something from early on that had hurt and saw how cautious you were letting anyone in.  Just the same I have always thought you'd be OK.  We met on a few job sites after we both moved away from golf for awhile, and you appeared to be in control and content. 

I was shocked and sad when I heard of your death.  I read the good words from others and wanted to add mine.  I don't know if this means anything at all to you, it may be a hollow effort, but I prefer to think you are still there, ready to take the snap, waiting for your tee time or warming up for your at bat. 

Mike Anderson, CVHS '64


Spring breeze

This grassy field makes me

Want to play catch



02/28/16 09:55 AM #10    

Shayne Maree Schuller (Morgan Sledge)

There is an overpowering moment of Splendor

Every Sane Mind know on the way to the Divine upon discovering

This LIfe Dance is only for a few Magic Seconds!

Such an Awareness of the Impermanence of Body and Form

Bestows great Clarity and Compassion.

LIfe is short, let's use the portion that is left to deepen our Selves.

Let's dance with each other like soap and water with dirt

To wash away whatever disturbs our Clarity.

In that alchemical gesture there is a constant Loving embrace

Between what is Eternal and what dies.



02/29/16 11:57 AM #11    

Bruce Wilson

"Frank, who all this time had been reclining with his eyes closed, suddenly opened them both up as wide as a tiger. "And just how far would you like to go in?" he asked and the three kings all looked at each other. "Not too far but just far enough so's we can say that we've been there," said the first chief"

-Bob Dylan 




03/05/16 12:26 PM #12    

Bruce Wilson

Frank - Union 76 Pony League Team.

It went right by me, but Terry pointed out that #12 on the right is Mr. Kany, Frank's step father and our Little Leauge coach (in 1958).


03/05/16 12:32 PM #13    

Bruce Wilson

From Terry Maple:

My neighbor Frank Fernandez was also a big fan. He and I traded baseball cards. Frank's favorite player was Willie Mays; my favorite player was Duke Snider. We used to debate who was the better player. Frank's uncle Buddy Petersen was a shortstop in the PCL for many years. Perhaps you will remember that Frank played shortstop in Little League and Pony League. In high school he was a catcher and an outfielder. 

From Bruce Wilson:

Frank also pitched in Little League. When he came off the mound I moved from shortstop to 3rd base. I have a team photo of the prior year (no Frank), but I'm struggling to put together the roster of the second year when we played together. I recall starting the season on the upper field at Eucalyptus Park and then moving down to the lower field. I think we were still the McCallister Yankees, because I don't recall ever having another uniform. 

03/08/16 12:53 PM #14    

Bruce Wilson

A couple of Frank's friends who've been mentioned here: Jim Stuckey (52), Bruce Wilson (40) - 1962. I'll see if I can get a better image and do all the names later.

03/09/16 08:09 AM #15    

Terry Lee Maple

Note number 15 on the ground. I threw the body block on number 23, but he still made the tackle. As fullback, I spent a lot of time that game plunging into Biff McClure, CP's 300 pound middle guard. I knew him well. He was my locker partner at Castle Park Junior High when we were bussed in there for the seventh grade. At that time Biff stood 5'9" and weighed 234 pounds. We were in the same homeroom. When the bus arrived I wouild meet Biff and we would walk together to first period gym. It was a fortutious freindship as the boys on our bus were "chose off" daily by local hispanic boys. Thanks to Biff, no one messed with me. Another trivial moment in the Castle Park game that I will never forget. I was the punter and Sisk often called for me to quick kick on third down. On one occasion in this game I kicked Frank in the butt with the ball. I'll blame myself for it but he wasn't supposed to be in my way. Mark Robson recovered the ball but I tackled him to prevent any damage. This was one of the few bad moments in the Castle Park game. A few years later with Bill Miller at quarterback CP won the CIF championship and began to flex its muscles as a football power.

03/13/16 11:52 AM #16    

Bruce Wilson

Descending the column of four white guys, little did I know that three of them were Hispanic:

{Terry, Bruce 1957}

{Frank, Terry 1956}

{Bruce's older brother Gary (you have to have lived there to get this one), 1956}

Gary and I probably got into as much mischief as Frank and I. Come to think of it, we got caught just as often (once each).

" ... I kicked Frank in the butt ... "  - Dr. Maple


Not to be outdone, I once kicked Stuckey in the butt in a 3-on-3 game with my black Converse lowcuts (got the hightops later).

I think I got into a sub 5:00 minute pace running away from him. He forgave me.

BTW, I'm pretty sure I tracked down Jim Frese, awaiting his reply.

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