In Memory

Royce Benton Riggin, Jr.

Royce passed away from cancer on March 2, 2007.  He was Hilltop Junior High's first drum major for the band, and also drum major for Hilltop High School, and San Diego State University.  Royce was also very active in the Sierra Club's Nature Workshops, the Boy Scout camps, and the State Parks campfires.   He became a teacher at Southwestern Jr. College and was regarded as a great teacher by his students.

Royce is survived by a son and daughter and three grandchildren.


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10/25/13 01:31 AM #1    

Gail Nisbet (Sutherland)

I am so sorry to see that Royce has passed.  I was in the marching band from 7th grade to 11th grade and I remember Royce was excellent as our drum major. I will never forget him as long as I live.  To those left behind just know he was special to me.

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