In Memory

Kenneth James (Jim) Probert

Jim passed away after a vehicle accident on December 19, 1964 in Tijuana, Mexico.   He was traveling with three others where there was a tragic accident.

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02/01/14 06:35 PM #1    

Bruce Wilson

Jim was my buddy in Junior High School, less so in High School, but it was a sad day-after-my- birthday back in 1964. Michele was good friends with Cathy Emerson.

There were a lot of trips made down what could be a very scary road, especially after spending time in TJ drinking. Surprisingly few accidents that I remember though.

As I recall they were about 1/2 way down to Ensenada when the car went off the cliff.

Kenneth James Probert, 18

Cathy L. Emerson, 19

Sharon Ann Newman, 19

William R. Martin, 19


Typical terrain & production values in Baja?*369/Ensenada%2BRoad%2BCollapse%2B(14).jpg

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