In Memory

Jean Elena (Jeanne) Booth (Rex)

Jeanne was an extraordinary person because of her many talents.  She spoke, read, and wrote fluent German, French, Spanish, and English.  She loved to share with her friends and family her joy of cooking, growing vegetables in her beautiful garden.  She was an active and outspoken supporter of MADD as a result of a drunken driver accident that caused her to lose her leg.  She was Director of Development for the Challenge Center.  She was awarded the "Courage Award" by the San Diego Women Who Mean Business.


She is survived by her daughter Theresa: son Gregory Burnes: son Matthew Burnes and three grandchildren.

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09/05/15 08:17 PM #1    

Bruce Wilson

This is how Jeanie looked when I knew her best. We used to share 'Tom Swifties'  with one another (he said sadly). Poor quality image, but hey, I wasn't the Regent of Art.


09/07/15 12:14 AM #2    

Corinne McCall

A few of our classmates attended Jeanne's celebration of life service.  I recall that Paula Shrock, Linda Keating, Jackie Yost and myself attended  We were all touched by the huge outpouring of tributes to Jeanne for her contibutions to so many lives of people who like her - had become physically handicapped. There was  an entourage of handicapped bikers that led the procession. 

So many people got up and spoke about how Jeanne had given them the courage to contnue their lives after they were maimed by accidents and illnesses.  We were all in tears as we listened to so many speak of the huge impact the Jeanne had in their individual lives.     

I knew Jeanne since kindergarten at Lillian Rice school, and I said a few words on behalf of her classmates that we knew and loved her first.  She was an unsung hero and a blessing to many.



09/07/15 11:56 PM #3    

Jim Hawes


It was so nice to reads your comments on Jeanne's memorial service. We had been friends since the 3rd grade. We got back in touch after the death of a mutual friend (Jim Serniuk HHS 1963). She was so very proud of her sons, one was working in Dubai and the other was a care giver for his ailing father. I think what made her most happy and thankful was being in touch with her daughter and the relationship that they had. I must say she would have taken you to task for using the "handicapped" word! smiley  We talked a few time on the phone and would write each other e-mails, then one day she failed to answer an e-mail. I called her office and they told me what had happened and that she had passed. What a shock, my heart went out to her children and family. She was such a vibrant, life loving person gone (like many of our classmates) way too soon!

09/08/15 02:31 PM #4    

Corinne McCall

Sorry Jim - I did not realize I was being politically incorrect.  No disrespect intended!! Jeanne became an avid advocate for people with disabilities (hope that is PC)! It was so impressive to hear so many testimonies of those that she had helped.  I am sorry that you were not able to attend the service since you had such a close friendship.  Hopefully this memorian link will keep us updated...



09/08/15 10:09 PM #5    

Bruce Wilson

There are a few typos here, but you know I wasn't the Regent of Publications either. Why no mention of me and the Tom Swifties is beyond me.

Jeanie when I didn't know her so well  ... or maybe not.

I was out of town, but there in spirit. Still puzzling, as I always was to Jeanie.




Birth:  Sep. 14, 1946, USA
Death:  Jan., 2010
San Diego County
California, USA

Jean "Jeanie" (Booth) Rex was the daughter of Larry and Jane Booth. She was the wife of Russell Rex.

The San Diego Union-Tribune
Wednesday, January 20, 2010, Page B5, Column 5

REX.--Born on September 14, 1946, daughter to Larry and Jane Booth. Jeanie graduated from Hill Top [sic]High School class of 1963 [sic]. She spoke, read and wrote fluent German, French and Spanish (and English), and played the flute in the high school band and excelled in art and languages. Jeanie loved to share her joy of cooking and growing many vegetables in her beautiful garden with friends and families. She also enjoyed trike rides with a local Christian mororcycle group. She married Glenn Warnock Burnes in 1965, Divorced in 1968, she moved to Germany where she lived with her two sons until 1976. She moved back to San Diego in 1976 and lived in Coronado until 1978. She married for the second time to Russell Rex in August 1977. On August 30, 1995, Jeanie was struck by a drunken driver and subsequently lost her left leg. This led her to become an active and outspoken supporter of MADD. During her rehabilitation period, Jeanie joined Challenge Center and later became their Director of Development, managing and organizing Challenge Center's donations, functions and charity drives. Featured as an inspirational case study in a Sempra Energy public awareness campaign for Challenge Center, Jeanie frequently spoke of her ordeals and struggles to numerous schools, colleges, civic and police functions to raise safe and sober driving awareness. She was awarded the "Courage Award" by the "San Diego Women Who Mean Business" award program. fighter, humanitarian, a proud and tireless supporter of the Challenge Center and its clients, native San Diegan. Jeanie Rex, a true beacon of joy, inspirational spirit and generosity to all who knew her. She is survived by daughter Theresa Pounds and grandson Cody; son Gregory T. Burnes and grandchildren Austin and Caitlyn; son Matthew L. Burnes, and friends the world over. A celebration of Jeans's life is scheduled for January 24th, from 2 to 4 p.m. at 2003 Bayview Heights Drive at the main clubhouse. Donations in her name are welcomed for Challenge Center. 

10/15/15 07:39 PM #6    

James Newton Perdue

I'm so sad to learn of the passing of Jeanie Booth. She was in band with me playing flute, and I remember her as an always up, cheerful, fun person and a  very intelligent and pretty gal. I'm pretty sure I haven't seen her since High School, but even the fact that I remember her so fondly says a lot for her (if you knew my memory).

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