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05/14/24 03:52 PM #4007    


Jerry Olivas, EdD

Hi All, Just up to a little research on Hilltop High School, the ‘Beautiful People’ of the Class of 1964 and was wondering if someone might have the correct data I am looking for. What was the total graduating students of the Class of 1964? I count 434. Also, for that Class how many Hispanic surname students were there? I count 9. For faculty and administrators in 1964, I don’t think there were any with Hispanic surnames (could be wrong here). In addition, who was the best looking? Okay, let’s not go there 😉. Thanks in advance. Ciao, Jerry

05/15/24 12:35 AM #4008    


Rosalee May (Rosie) O'Day (Mason)

Hey Jerry, was it Chris and Mike Wheeler?

05/15/24 01:08 PM #4009    

Kay Kozuye Ochi

Interesting! I've always used the number 416 for our graduating seniors (in the context that maybe only a dozen were people of color). So, also curious about how many were Asian, Black, Indigenous. When Bob Beckwith visited SD (2-3 years ago) and a small group got together for lunch, one person asked if I were the foreign exchange student. Alas . . . .


05/15/24 06:06 PM #4010    


George Bracey Gillow

Here is the current enrollment percentages of the high schools in the Sweetwater High School district: 11.5% White, 3% Black, 10.9% Asian or Asian/Pacific Islander, 69.5% Hispanic/Latino, 0.5% American Indian or Alaska Native, 4.2% two or more races, and 0.4% Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander. 

The Chula Vista Star News article on June 11, 1964 shows our graduation at 415 students and lists all the graduates. But too many to count or post here. They may have made a mistake in the number or maybe there were a number of students who did not attend the commencement that were not listed.


05/16/24 01:15 PM #4011    


Jim Hawes

.....And the winner is! KAY. There are 416 named graduates listed in the Commencement Program! 

All of the columns do not contain the same number of names.

To count the total number of listed grads I used the same formula that SDG&E uses to figure our annual "true up" number. Take the total number in each column, add them up, divide that number by furlongs by fortnight and then multiply by 2 times xyB/2 (my OB spaceman ID code)!  Cheers, have a great day! Hawes

05/16/24 02:03 PM #4012    


Jerry Olivas, EdD

Rosie, All I can say is that you have a very good memory. It was kind of funny when Hilltop split off from Chula Vista, then Castle Park split off from Hilltop and Chula Vista. I missed a lot of those people in high school, but on occasion I would have an exciting encounter of sorts with them, like in Mexico. Ciao, Jerry

05/16/24 06:10 PM #4013    


Rosalee May (Rosie) O'Day (Mason)

Hi Jerry, I can't take credit.  It was Dennis who remembered them as I think they went to Chula.  But they were notorious throughout CV for their activities. 

05/16/24 07:34 PM #4014    


John Carleton Cowherd

Thank you Jim Hawes for taking the time to count up the graduates.  I was getting ready to go through my artifacts looking for my copy of the program.

To add another number to the puzzle, my transcript shows that I was number xxx of 426 members of our class.

Looking forward to the reunion in September.


05/17/24 04:11 PM #4015    


Treasa Struble (Skiles)

Jim-I love your sense of humor re SDG&E. Hope you make it to the reunion.

05/18/24 11:36 AM #4016    

Kay Kozuye Ochi

Jerry Olivas! Tho belated, thank you for your fair and humane analysis of 2/14/2024 of the current immigration situation. i agree with you. in addition to direct action to build the countries the people are fleeing we could better embrace the influx of humanity and human potential. Some of my family's first generation immigrants debarked ships in Mexico and walked across the border - just seeking a better life. They, too, were despised. But, they and their kids went on to work in the farms and fields, fight in the war in Europe and the Pacific, and have the opportunity to go to college.



05/18/24 12:54 PM #4017    


James Newton Perdue


That was a very thoughtful post about immigration policy. I agree with most of your comments. I have another suggested solution. I'm sure it may appear abit naive and impractical but here it is.

With the money we spend on increased border protection and tall ineffective walls,we should implement an education and placement section in Immigration Dept. We could temporarily house immigrants, find jobs for them, give them temporary green cards, assess their situation for previous criminal activity, offer english language classes and training for jobs that are under staffed in our country. We could try to place the immigrants in communities around the US that are in need of help and have more room than urban areas. I suspect that most immigrants would love to work an honest job.

Newt Perdue

05/18/24 02:48 PM #4018    


Jerry Olivas, EdD

Hi All,

Interesting input from everyone regarding 1964 class counts. Thanks. I did find the 1964 Fifth Commencement Program which put the total graduation (that walked, I guess) at 416. However, I did a manual count in the 1964 Yearbook and came up with a total of 433. As far as Race goes (and this is tricky because Race, Ethnicity, and Culture can get a bit blurry), but from the Yearbook, and my ‘excellent’ memory, here is what I see: Am. Indian 0, Pacific Islander 0, Black 0, Asian 4, Mestizo/Hispanic 14 (with and without Hispanic surnames—but Mestizo/Hispanic is not ‘technically’ considered a Race), and White/Caucasian all the rest (oh, I didn’t count Bruce ‘Carlton’ Wilson because I think his origin is from another solar system ;). From the Yearbook Men were 216, and Women were 217 (yea, women are the majority—and that’s the way it should be!), and LGBTQIA+ not certain. One interesting thing I noticed was that in the Senior pictures in the Yearbook I didn’t see Frank Fernandez—but he is listed in the Commencement Program. Maybe some others that were in the class of 1964 do not have a picture in the Yearbook either. However, not kidding here, but what a good-looking class of 1964 was--mostly the ladies, I might add.

Also, using the 1964 Commencement Program faculty was Men 41, Women 17, all White/Caucasian.

In addition, regarding race, ethnicity, and culture it’s interesting the Maple and Borunda were Mestizo/Hispanic and Iwashita was Asian.

George, Thanks for digging up those percentages for the Sweetwater High School District. Man, about 70% Hispanic—MUY BIEN!

Kay, Exchange student, what! But, I think, but not sure, there was an Exchange student or two at Hilltop for 1963/64? Maybe it was someone(s) that was a Junior or Sophomore.

Rosie, Dennis has a good memory and is very smart too—look who he is married to—the 1964 Hilltop High School Homecoming Queen.

Ciao, Jerry

P.S. Newt, great suggestions for immigration policies--I agree. Kay, I am glad we are on the same page politically, but we may be (are) in the minority.

05/18/24 05:04 PM #4019    


Bruce Wilson

Is it safe to come out from hiding behind the trash dumpster now? Ask HAL.




05/20/24 04:23 PM #4020    


Jim Hawes

Just some thoughts about student ethnicity in our school district, as well as in our 1964 Senior Class enrollment.

I did a quick count of the names in our Commencement Program and noted 19 Hispanic surnames (sorry Jerry)? I assume that most students (maybe not all) use their paternal surname. I assume that there are close to the same number of students whose maternal parent may have a Hispanic surname. At first glance that would make 38 Hispanic classmates. So how many of the rest of our classmates may have mothers with a Hispanic surname? This is why I've always held the belief that we are all products (okay, offspring) of multi-ethnic cultures.

I think George had the best idea of looking at the current school district numbers. It would be interesting to see those figures from 1964. Or even what Hilltop's 1964 diversity was like if you combined all the grades. And don't forget the maternal surname factor!

I attended 6 different schools in Chula Vista most were less than 5 years old. As Chula Vista grew during the 50's and 60's, housing developments and new schools, were built to handle the influx of families, most of whom came to the area for employment opportunities.

Chula Vista was a great town to grow up in. Hilltop was also a great school! So was Castle Park Jr. High. Intimidating for a 7th grader, maybe (unless you were a friend of Butch)! Fond memories of having to walk the couple of miles to school each day after Harry G. and I were kicked off the bus (Thanks RED!) and banned from riding for the rest of the year!

I've been spending a bit of time compiling my families heritage to pass down to my 3 grand-kids. Ethnicity is “like a box of chocolates” you never know who is on some of those tree limbs (probably NOT and accurate quote!).

James, your ideas are certainly valid ones, but currently we don't vet immigrants and the flood of people pouring across the border has overwhelmed our federal and state resources. I truly believe that many are here seeking a better life for their families and will work hard and follow our laws. Unfortunately, we currently incentify many, who just want the benefits handed to them. I think it may take years to find acceptable solutions.

Certainly interesting conversations and participation!

Cheers, Jim Hawes


05/21/24 02:04 PM #4021    

Kay Kozuye Ochi

Class of '64 Exchange students were, I believe, Brian Belchers (whom I thought was so cute!!) and Stella Guerlain (sp?) (also, lovely!). Brian has made contact thru one of your efforts - and lives in San Francisco (? my memory is not what it used to be). I was almost an exchange student. At the end of my junior year I applied to the AFS program and remember going to an interview at the home of Mrs. Hedenkamp (!). I asked to be placed in Africa. For whatever reasons never shared with me, I was not placed. Surely would have changed the trajectory of my life. A shout out to Brian . . . please let us know how your are.



05/22/24 06:01 PM #4022    

Gregory Jay (Greg) Witherspoon

I would say for sixty years ago you memory is darn good. See you are the reunion unless you come to LA before that. I will be in Mission Bay next weekend if you are around we could have lunch or coffee.

05/22/24 06:24 PM #4023    


Jerry Olivas, EdD

Hey Jim and All,

Well put with everything you stated Jim. Trying to separate people into various categories based on race, ethnicity, and culture (background, traditions, beliefs, etc.) can certainly get confusing. Then add in sexual preferences and challenged (mental and/or physical) information and it really starts to get all blended. I do value diversity and believe that it is important for people ‘of the world’ to learn about each other, and learn to understand and  accept each other, which I believe will enrich all of our lives (oh yea, Jerry is a philosopher). With that said, when it comes right down to it, we were and are all pretty Americanized. In a way being raised in Chula Vista in the 50s and 60s was not too different than being raised almost anywhere in the US. It’s sometimes a little scary how similar we Americans are when it comes to beliefs, values, and character—commercially too. Side note here Jim, as you will remember us Chula Vista kids in the 60s did highly value cars and drag racing—on Telegraph Canyon Road 😊. [Question to George (who will know), why was that road called Telegraph, I don’t remember any telephone poles? But some how I am thinking there was a railroad line near Telegraph Road or was that H Steet???]

Anyway, it would be interesting to get some past demographic statistics on enrollment at Hilltop High in the 60s, but I am not sure what type of data and how much data was collected. I do know that student data is now legally very private.

Ciao, Jerry

05/23/24 10:43 AM #4024    


George Bracey Gillow


The first telegraph line from Chula Vista going east was installed in 1870 in that canyon. Therefore the canyon was named Telegraph Canyon. Besides The Telegraph Canyon Road there is a Telegraph Canyon Creek that goes down the canyon to the bay.

The train tracks were on "F" street which connected the main line to Third Avenue.

Here is a drawing of Telegraph Canyon Creek. It goes behind houses on the north side of Moss Street: 

05/23/24 02:27 PM #4025    


Jerry Olivas, EdD

Thank you for that George,

Yes, the train track was on F Street. Good one. And I do remember playing in the Telegraph Creek which was right behind my house on E. El Capitan Drive and went right by Dean Butterfield's house.

Now, what about airports? I very vaguely remember an landing strip between Chula Vista and National City off of Broadway, but not certain. Also, there may have been some sort of landing strip near Otay Lakes.

Ciao, Jerry

05/24/24 04:49 PM #4026    


George Bracey Gillow


There was a small airport in National City in an area that is now part of Chula Vista. It was north of  C Street and just east of what is now Broadway.  Also west of Gloyeds (later Golden Arrow) Dairy. I remember seeing the airport when we moved to Chula Vista in 1958. It was called the National City Airport.

There was another airport located were Rohr would eventually be built. It was the Tyce Airport. It was closed in about 1940. I posted information on this airport on page 12, post #275 in this website. 







05/25/24 03:42 PM #4027    


Jim Hawes

George, Jerry, et al,

I found this interesting inter-web site (Abandoned & Little-Known Airfields: California: Southern San Diego area ( George, my guess is you may be familar with it.

I remember the fiellds at La Presa, Spring Valley, and many others. There were many "Landing Fields"  built in Southern California by the Navy and Air Force to act as emergency landing fields for pilot training. We probably remember many by their popular names rather than the official designations (Sweetwater Dam NOLF (Navy Outlying Field) = Paradise Mesa Drag Strip smiley), or Mr. Gibbs Field = Montgomery Field!

The "National City Airport"  used to have great "flea markets/swap meets" on weekends during the late 50's)



05/26/24 05:30 PM #4028    


Jerry Olivas, EdD

Hey Jim, George, and All,

Great website link Jim. Darn, they was doing a lot of flying around CV when we were kids and before. Those photos were so cool.

Ciao, Jerry

05/28/24 05:27 PM #4029    


George Bracey Gillow


Thanks for the link to the small airport site. It was great. I had never seen it before. Lots of pictures I had never seen. I had no idea there so many airports in the San Diego area.

06/24/24 06:49 PM #4030    


Rosalee May (Rosie) O'Day (Mason)

Hi Everyone, I hope you're thinking about getting together with us for the 60th Reunion.  Here are the latest details:


Hey Lancers!  Our 6oth Reunion is rapidly approaching.  We hope you are planning to come.  We will be having a casual get-together in the backyard of Treasa Struble Skiles’ lovely Point Loma home from 11 – 3 on Saturday, September 14, 2024.  The Reunion Committee will be providing the food, drinks, and desserts, so just come and have a good time.  It will be great to see old friends! We are all old as dirt, so who cares if we have a few wrinkles or have put on a few pounds.  We’d love to see you!

At this point we have lost 66 classmates that we know of, and we will be honoring them.

For more information about the event, be sure to login to the website to see the information on the home page.

Please RSVP by text to Rosie Mason, 619-972-1152 so that we are sure to have enough food. See you all in September!!!

07/05/24 02:50 PM #4031    


Jerry Olivas, EdD

Ciao All, For a cool ‘mostly true’ summer read follow the links below. Jerry



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